bandiera inglese
bandiera italiana


All the light curtain and the electronic EL.IND.CO. devices are fitted with signalling LEDs which allow the detection of a not correct working of the system.(Failures diagnostic)
Anyway due to possible anomalies we are listing here under some controls to be carried out if the problem persists even after the switching on and off of the system.

  • check the integrity of the electric connections;
  • check that the power supply levels are the ones indicated in the technical data;
  • check that the relays or external relays are used in the correct way and with the proper anti-interference modules indicated by the manufacturer;
  • check that the emitter and the receiver are perfectly alligned and the optics are cleaned;
  • check that the working distance indicated in the plate corresponds to the installation distance;
  • It is important to know that smoke and vapour could occlude the curtain;
  • check that the lightguard is not subjected to strong vibrations with the following temporary allignment loss;
  • check that no more than two working lightguards are mounted one next to the other. The receiver must not be in the position to see other emitters apart from its corresponding one;
  • check that the signalling and power cable are well separated on the whole trajectory and inside the electric board;
  • check that the lightguard is not placed next to reflecting surfaces (for example polished panel or metal sheet);
  • check that the lightguard and mainly the RX section is not placed next to luminous sources of strong intensity;
  • check that all the elements of the system are placed correctly at earth.

If after all these controls there is no reset of the normal working of the system you can contact the EL.IND.CO. assistance service.
We could ask you send us the lightguards back to our lab, fitted with all its parts. Please indicate clearly :

  • serial number;
  • purchase data;
  • working period;
  • installation type;
  • noticed failures.

Via Pergolesi n° 30 Lissone (MB) CAP 20851
P.IVA 06784700962   Codice Fiscale LPRMNC65C45D286E

The shipment is at the customer charge